paid position | 32 hours a week | closing date: 22 september 2024

Due to the upcoming retirement of the current director, Make Eindhoven is looking for an inspiring and experienced director with strong commitment to the creative sector.

Make Eindhoven is a unique conglomerate of workshops for professional creative makers in the cultural and business sector. With three workshops under one roof, for glass, metal and graphic techniques, it stands out for its great multidisciplinary capabilities. Its main task is to promote and encourage experimentation and research in materials and techniques. 

Make Eindhoven emerged in 2017 from the merger of the artist workshops Beeldenstorm and Daglicht and has since developed into an important link in Brabant’s creative cultural infrastructure. 

DIRECTOR | 32 hours a week

Keeping Make Eindhoven visible and relevant in an ever-changing environment requires constant development. This not only concerns staying up-to-date with questions from creative makers in the field of practice-driven and material-technical research, but also applies to the significance of the workshops as an epicenter of development and knowledge formation for the Eindhoven art and design scene and the Brainport community in a broader sense. 

Strengthening and evolving Make Eindhoven’s position in this direction is an important task for the new director. With the recent approval and financing of the multi-year programme 2025-2028 by the province of North Brabant and the municipality of Eindhoven, the programme for the next four years has been set out in outline. 


You are an inspiring and connecting leader who leads convincingly, and who is able to propagate and transfer a vision and course of action once approved, both internally and externally and on larger and smaller stages.

You have a good antenna for developments in the political and cultural field that may influence Make Eindhoven’s opportunities and possibilities, positively or negatively, and are able to respond to them alertly, strategically and effectively;- You have a clear vision of the significance and development of workshops in relation to other cultural institutions and are able to make strategic and substantive connections.- You have knowledge and experience in the field of finance and a good feel for healthy business operations within cultural organisations. 

You are a cultural entrepreneur who sees opportunities and can capitalise on them.

You have a demonstrable affinity with the world of art and design;

You have experience in organising projects, multidisciplinary programmes and events, preferably in Eindhoven or in Brabant;

You have managerial experience working in a cultural organisation;You are able to create an inspiring working climate that facilitates the team and gives room for development and creativity;

You have experience with the Governance Code, The Fair Practice Code, and the Diversity and Inclusion Code in the cultural sector.

You have a working and thinking level at college or university level and are proficient in Dutch and English


The task of the new director is to further develop the established multi-year plan in consultation with staff and key stakeholders, aimed at perpetuating and strengthening the organisation for the longer term. This task includes:

Elaboration of the intended development ambitions. This concerns strengthening Make Eindhoven as a knowledge and research centre for professional creative makers. It also involves developing a vision and making plans to reinforce Make’s social role as a creative institution in the local, national, and international environment;

Encouraging cooperation and connection within the organisation, and promoting knowledge sharing between the workshops where added value is promising;

Promoting a transparent, incorruptible, safe and sustainability-oriented organisation;

Ensuring the continuity of the organisation with good operational management and healthy, financial management with a balanced budget and healthy reserves in consultation with the treasurer of the board and the accountant/controller;

Ensuring a planning and control cycle and reporting to the board;

Shaping a diversity-oriented personnel policy with a focus on professional development;

Being visible as a figurehead in relevant networks, i.e. the local and provincial web of cultural and political/official organisations in order to contribute through active participation to the strategic development and desired profiling within the framework of Make Eindhoven’s mission and vision.


An interesting, challenging position at an inspiring location in Eindhoven – the NRE site, near Eindhoven Central Station. The position is for 32 hours a week for a period of one year, with a view to extension. We offer a salary commensurate with the position.

Are you interested? Then we invite you to send a cover letter and CV by 15 September at the latest to:

For substantive questions, please contact Peter Hoesbergen, or Maria Hermanussen,